
The Amboy Kennel Club has held an annual dog show for the last 42 years. During this time he winner of "Best of Show" has been an Alaskan Malamute 21 times, a Great Pyrenees 3 times, and an Siberian Husky 18 times. Determine the empirical probability that the next winner of "Best of Show" will be a Great Pyrenees.

Accepted Solution

Answer:0.071Step-by-step explanation:Number of wins by Alaskan Malamute = 21Number of win by Great Pyrenees = 3Number of wins by Siberian Husky = 18Total number of shows = 42We need to calculate the empirical probability that next winner will be a Great Pyrenees.Empirical probability is defined as the ratio of the number of times a specific event occurs to total number of possibilities of all events being considered. In given case, the event that best of the show was a Great Pyrenees occurred 3 times, and total number of events were 42. So,Empirical Probability that next winner will be a Great Pyrenees = [tex]\frac{3}{42}=0.071[/tex]Hence, the empirical probability that the next winner of "Best of Show" will be a Great Pyrenees is 0.071